Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 26 & 27 The Netherlands: The Island of Texel

Caught the car ferry from Den Helder across to Texel. Rick very excited to visit where his dad grew up. Drove out to Oudeschild on the east coast and walked around the small village and the fishing harbour. The fleet of large fishing vessels, which were brightly painted in reds, greens and blues, made he harbour a lovely sight. Continued along the east coast and stopped again, this time at Oosterend for a look. Very touristy...left straight away. The highlight though was to stop along the way and watch the kite surfers. Looked like a lot of fun...and freezing. They had thick suits on to protect themselves from the Waddenzee (name of the body of water). Cutting inland, across a polder, we drove to....De cocksdorp....yes that is right! On the point is a lighthouse and the widest beach I have seen in a long time. No one swimming of course, the North Sea would be freezing. But people had kites, sand buggies, go karts with mini parachutes etc. Climbed to the top of the lighthouse. The wind was incredible ... a little freaky when you are up so high. Did a lap of the top and went back inside. Rick did make note of a sign that said 3000kms to the North Pole. The interesting thing about this lighthouse was that a newer lighthouse had been built completely around the original lighthouse and on the 3rd level you could see the bullet holes in the original ¬building where the Germans and Russians fought during the war.
The next day, after a morning walk along the beach, we headed out to the airstrip for a visit to the war museum. Museum was quite interesting. They also had a flight simulator game, so I had a go at trying to fly a plane. I crashed twice before I left the runway so I gave up. We sat outside for some time and watched groups of people parachuting. Looked fun, but there is no way in this lifetime I wouild try it. A bit of a drive around and we caught gthe car ferry back to Den Helder and drove (31/2 hours) to Cologne in Germany.

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