Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 19 & 20 Belgium (Brussels) & 21 (Brugge)

Picked up the car and began the journey to Belgium – about 2.15 hrs. Freeway right near the airport so we were able to manage that very easily. Takes a bit of adjusting with a left hand drive. Have managed to purchase food etc today with no English. Not bad.... Tom took us right to the centre of Brussells ...literally...had a momentary panic as we turned a corner and found the Grand Place right in front of us and about 1 million people walking on the narrow cobblestone streets. Fortunately we saw an underground carpark. Didn’t care about the cost...just went in and parked. Found our o in hotel...very, very nice and then walked around for a few hours...up to King’s residence, statues, Town Hall and all the fantastic little shops. The Grand Place is the most amazing huge square. On every side are the most incredible buildings. Stopped and had a cappuccino – safer to ask for that than any other coffee concoction – they get it half right – but in tiny cups where 2 sips and it’s gone and a banana and Belgian chocolate waffle. Decadent and delicious. Hotel Metropole is magic – like a time gone by.
Day 2 of Brussels saw us again Metro around the city. Began with the Cinquantenaire (the Belgian version of the Arc du Triomphe). The Brussels Marathon was on so watched this for a while, quite interesting. Headed over to the Palais of Justice (courts). Beautiful old building (and huge). Continued by foot and strolled around quaint streets, where we found a lovely little cafe for brunch. Fantastic buildings and great parks is how I would describe Brussels.
Day 3 of the Belgian experience included a drive to Brugge, just over an hour away. What a gorgeous place. So glad we came here...a must see place. Canals were gorgeous and the buildings, churches, museums were very interesting. Roamed the streets all day taking in the great sites at every turn. Indulged in some Belgian chocolate and a caffee laite, under a statue in the main square...sun shining down (even though needed a jacket)....looking at the Belfry that featured in the film In Brugge....amazing. Took a canal cruise which was lovely. Decided to stay in the square for dinner...where Rick indulged in the local dish of rabbit (Flemish style). It was also nice to sit for an hour after walking all day. Finally left the delightful Brugge at around 7.30pm. A great day.

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