Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 75, 76 Italy. Cinque Terre

Departed Rome and headed up to Northern Italy. La Speiza was our destination, so that we could visit the Cinque Terre and do the walks between the 5 small and picturesque coastal towns. Detoured on the way to the town of Pisa, yes, to visit the famous Leaning Tower. We arrived at about 3.00 and to our surprise parked virtually in front of it. Boy! Does it lean...perhaps too much vino flowed on this job site...though as the tools all rolled off as it got higher, you think someone might have noticed. The other thing about it is that it is sooooo white. That’s one good high pressure water hose that keeps it clean. The leaning Tower is the bell tower that belongs to the huge cathedral that is on the site (along with tourist stalls and heaps of tourists – all trying to get the photo of pushing the tower up – AND we were no different). Took heaps of photos...a usual.. and then we played around with the “tourist” photo. Felt like Next Top Model with Big Rick trying to direct me to the right pose for the perfect photo. He was such a bad director and I was such a bad model...have not laughed so much as Big Rick could not understand that I did not grasp his gestures to move and pose. Anyway we took a few. Were standing near some Indian lads who were having a great time with their photos. We had a look...they had some very funny shots of one of them blowing it over and the other trying to hold it up...looked great. Anyway, nice pitstop...not much else here and then 45 minutes later we were in la Speiza...very, very nice. Caught the lift down 5 levels to street level (hotel up high...remember Italians do not over exert themselves) and walked into the most gorgeous cobble stoned streets. Shopping was great, restaurants very nice.
The aim was to walk the Cinque Terre, but the weather defeated us this time. Only the first walk was open due to the rain and landslides over the previous few weeks. However, we still headed to these 5 quaint little towns via the train. Got off at Riomaggiore and did the first walk along the cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean Sea to Maranola. Big Rick and I were intrigued by all the little locks (1000s of them) along the track, all bunched up. Had a lovely picnic lunch overlooking the Mediterranean Sea...just past Maranola. Caught the train between the next 3 towns: Corniglia, Vernazza, Monterosso al Mare, hopping off to have a look at each one and wander through the little streets. Vernazza was lovely and looked like I pictured a small Italian fishing village. It was my favourite. (It’s the one with all the fishing boats on shore). It didn’t rain while we were there so we were lucky in that respect. Back in La Speiza and we stumbled on a small husband and wife owned and run seafood restaurant. Had the biggest fish and tastiest scampi meal...for not much. (Followed Big Rick’s guide to fine dining...(he established this early on)...if aging or mature man in fancy suit (ie: a waiter) is connected to a restaurant take a pass...prices expensive for the quality of food and they somehow think that as a waiter they can look down their nose at you and barely acknowledge your existence...interesting given you are paying their wage). This rule of thumb has meant that we have had great quality meals in restaurants where people care about the food they present. Shame to leave Italy...think I like it more than Greece. (Though I still prefer Greek food).

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