Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 5,6,7 Windsor Castle, Hyde park and Bath

Sitting on the train returning to London from Bath. Loved Bath, a beautiful city (as you can see by the photos). Lots of really old buildings on the Avon River. Heading out to Windsor on Saturday, then Bath Sunday and Monday was a nice break from London itself. We have been very lucky with the weather – one wet day in London, though it really only rained in the morning and very lucky with our accommodation. In Bath we visited the Roman Baths, which were fascinating. Hard to appreciate the sense of history. Given it was packed with people in Bath – being a Sunday – we decided to wait till Monday to visit the Abbey. Got on the first tour – only 6 of us – which was great as we had to climb about 220 narrow, spiral, concrete steps. (The next tour had about 30 people). Went to the bell ringing chamber, then sat in the opaque face of the clock – which you can see by the photos was quite high up. Continuing up more narrow, spiral, concrete steps, we reached the bells. There were 10 bells, of various sizes (and notes). Rick demonstrated to our group how to ring the bell (Soooo many jokes here about pulling chains.....) Anyway the bells were huge (that’s with an ‘e’ so stop those thoughts...) and we then continued up more narrow, spiral, concrete steps and reached the roof. Got great views over Bath.
By the way....had our first sample of “fish and chips’ at the pub. Very nice and Rick is quite taken with the Pale Ale.....what a surprise????
Saturday we caught the train to Windsor, after getting up at 4.00am to get to Shepherds Bush to watch the Grandfinal ( ......what a game. Even Big Rick was excitedly cheering for the saints was 90% of the hundreds at the pub. (Even those who barracked for other teams were cheering for the Saints as they, quote, “hate f##king Collingwood”). Arrived at windsor just in time to see the changing of the guard. What luck? They looked great with the castle behind them.
Off to Scotland on the 8.00am BA flight tomorrow. Probably do Edinburgh Castle and roam around. Pick up our car on wed and start touring Scotland.


  1. you didn't even write us a little diary entry, your getting lazy sue.

  2. Again the pics look great. Unbelievable game. Goddard and Lenny were fantastic. Have to back it up this week. You look like your having a great time. Hope you can find another pub to watch GF take 2.
    Have fun.
    Love Steve & Jenny

  3. I have a comment, just not posted yet. It is coming. Leave for Scotland in the morning. Hoping a television in Inverness has ESPN. Looking into a televised streaming of the game through the BBC online.
    Alex will show Nick and Liv what to do...What award did you win

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Sue,
    Looks fantastic, It brings back lots of memories. Enjoy your time.
    Love Steve
