Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 8 and 9: Edinburgh, Scotland

Flew to Edinburgh today. It was nice to leave the city behind. this place. It is gorgeous. Lots of old building and of course dominated by the castle on the rocky outcrop. Dropped our bags off and caught the bus for our 10 minute ride to the city centre. Headed first of all to Holyrood Palace and Arthurs Seat. Decided not to walk to the lookout. When you see the photos you will appreciate why. Edinburgh Castle was calling so we headed up Royal Mile, walking passed St Giles Cathedral, and passed under the a whole other world. We were intrigued with how the castle just seemed to emerge out of the rock face, clearly an imposing structure to all who dared. Spent a few hours exploring. Later in the afternoon we roamed the beautiful streets....lots of kilts, tartan and whisky. Made our way back to our apartment at dusk, checked in and was excited at our one bedroom studio. After the apartment in Paddington (which we really enjoyed) this feels like a palace..,.king bedoom, large bathroom, lounge and kitchen. We have scored well with accommodation so far...hope it continues. Cooked up a storm for dinner. Not haggis or any other odd sounding offel..... chicken and vegies. Tomorrow night ...steak (yum). Day 2 ... grey, looking like it will rain, but not cold. Made our way (again via bus) back to The Royal Mile to find Mary King Close to begin our tour: The Real Mary King’s Close.(see the infrared photo). This tour took us underground to explore the original streets. Quite intriguing. The top floors of these very old houses was vitually chopped off and council buildings built on top. Therefore under these newish buildings, below current street level, lie abandoned remains of houses and streets. Quite incredible and eerie to walk around – like an old underground city. Saw where poor families lived and how devastating the plague was...apparently a lot of ghost hunters head down. Well worth every cent. As the weather was holding headed over to Calton Hill to have a walk around. This is a big hill where the observatory sits as well as Nelson’s Monument and the very Greek looking National Monument. Up here we were able to get 360 degree views over spectacular Edinburgh - from the waterfront on one side to both old and new towns. Sky getting darker, raincoats out and off to...............The Scottish Whisky Experience. Began with a bit of a daggy ‘ride’, (bit like a ghost train- but about the production of whisky). But then the tour picked up and we learned about the regions of Scotland and their whiskeys. Got to choose a whisky to taste....Rick in heaven. Got to keep our special whisky glasses as a momento. Rick excited because he got to drink my sample...which just happened to be Prince Charles’s favourite (pretty yuk I thought). Strolling around streets again, we found a Writer’s Museum in a little street. It was a tribute to Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns. We pick up a car tomorrow morning and we leave Edinburgh. Taking 4 days to do the loop up Inverness and Ullapool and down through Loch Ness, Ben Nevis, Fort Willam, down to Glasgow, Hope we can fit in the Isle of Skye. About to search for how to see the saints........ hope I have success.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 5,6,7 Windsor Castle, Hyde park and Bath

Sitting on the train returning to London from Bath. Loved Bath, a beautiful city (as you can see by the photos). Lots of really old buildings on the Avon River. Heading out to Windsor on Saturday, then Bath Sunday and Monday was a nice break from London itself. We have been very lucky with the weather – one wet day in London, though it really only rained in the morning and very lucky with our accommodation. In Bath we visited the Roman Baths, which were fascinating. Hard to appreciate the sense of history. Given it was packed with people in Bath – being a Sunday – we decided to wait till Monday to visit the Abbey. Got on the first tour – only 6 of us – which was great as we had to climb about 220 narrow, spiral, concrete steps. (The next tour had about 30 people). Went to the bell ringing chamber, then sat in the opaque face of the clock – which you can see by the photos was quite high up. Continuing up more narrow, spiral, concrete steps, we reached the bells. There were 10 bells, of various sizes (and notes). Rick demonstrated to our group how to ring the bell (Soooo many jokes here about pulling chains.....) Anyway the bells were huge (that’s with an ‘e’ so stop those thoughts...) and we then continued up more narrow, spiral, concrete steps and reached the roof. Got great views over Bath.
By the way....had our first sample of “fish and chips’ at the pub. Very nice and Rick is quite taken with the Pale Ale.....what a surprise????
Saturday we caught the train to Windsor, after getting up at 4.00am to get to Shepherds Bush to watch the Grandfinal ( ......what a game. Even Big Rick was excitedly cheering for the saints was 90% of the hundreds at the pub. (Even those who barracked for other teams were cheering for the Saints as they, quote, “hate f##king Collingwood”). Arrived at windsor just in time to see the changing of the guard. What luck? They looked great with the castle behind them.
Off to Scotland on the 8.00am BA flight tomorrow. Probably do Edinburgh Castle and roam around. Pick up our car on wed and start touring Scotland.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 4 British Museum and Globe Theatre

Today very exciting on a number of fronts... Spent a few hours in the British Museum. You could probably spend a few days. We focussed on the Ancient Greek and Egyptian displays. Pretty good. Da Vinci painting was exciting yesterday, but today we saw the real, in the flesh, Rosetta Stone. Pretty surreal to think that last term I was teaching this.

Went back to the Borough Markets today for that amazing Seafood Green Curry. Replenished we made our way back to the Globe Theatre for our performance of The Merry Wives of Windsor. Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant. Rick and I laughed so much. Acting was fantastic. To end our day of culture I have managed to secure tickets at the Walkabout Pub in Shepherds Bush to view the Grandfinal live on a mega huge screen. Taxi booked – picking us up at 4.30am. GO THE SAINTS.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 3

Saw my first real da Vinci (painting not the code), housed in the National Gallery. Very cool. Did Buckingham Palace State rooms tour today - fortunately Queen E was on holidays so we could go in ....only open a short time each year. Lucky us. Ascended the Grand Stair case as though royalty...noone wanted my photo. Strange!!! She has some great stuff. Definately not an Ikea girl. Headed over to Southbank to visit Shakespeare's Globe. On way found Southwark Cathederal..pretty impressive and the Borough Markets where we had delicious, "better than sex as some old guy told me" portguese tarts. We saw him again later and we said they were good. (Though Rick suggested not as good as he said...he laughed and said that maybe he was not doing it right...his wife then laughed) Wondered through the markets...old, vey old brick buildings, stalls, smells...was great. Decided to head back tomorrow for a delicious looking fish curry. Onwards to the Globe Theatre. Couldn't get in. Booked to see a performance of The Merry Wives of Windsor in the Globe for tomorrow....again very cool. Made our way to Picadilly Circus..very busy, loud and such a contrast between beautiful old buildings and statues and large, modern neon signs. Back to Trafalgar Square. Nice spot. Great day finished off with having dinner (beef and ale pie) at the pub with a friend from school Taylor. Hoping to sleep past 4.00am tonight.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 2

Man what is it with all the steps? Two days in and have the calves of a steroid addict. This morning we tackled the Tube (successfully – eventually - I might add) and headed over to Buckingham Palace to line up for the Changing of the Guard. Got a great position it was worth the 1 hour wait. See the photos. Had a lovely picnic in a park near Victoria station, and as we are now Tube pros, we headed to London Bridge and the Tower of London. Weather quite warm again. In fact today was very warm, I actually got sunburned. Thinking tomorrow we might do tour of inside Buckingham Palace, walk through Kensington Gardens and see Princess Dianna's memorial and do Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. In the afternoon might go to British Museum. Still searching for a pub with the footy on at 5.30 am. Maybe MI5 or Scotland Yard might need to be on the case. Hoping to get to Portobello Markets on sat morn before heading down to Bath. Also, there is an old brewery Rick wants to visit....wonder why?

Seen heaps, haven't stopped. Having great time....Yes children I do miss you. Alex is my favourite at the moment as he posted a comment. His positi9on could change however, so get the fingers moving.